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Is It Virgin Hair or Not?

Hey Dolls ❤️,

I know it’s been a long minute and I apologize ... I’m sure as you know life can get in the way, but I’m back and here to stay. So on that note ... let’s talk about hair. Why? Well, why not? Hair (for me at least) is super important! (I mean I’m a different person when my hair is not done versus when my hair is laid to the gawds hunny).

In a world full of bad weave sellers,  getting quality  weave and choosing  hair extensions has become  so difficult (especially if you don’t want to spend a month’s rent on bundles). I mean AliExpress, Amazon and EBay are notorious for having Chinese hair sellers who have fake positive reviews or who pay for people to change their reviews to positive ones. This just leaves buyers like you and me spending hundreds on hair that is either heavily processed or partially synthetic.

So how can you tell which buyers to purchase from? I suggest doing some real background checking on the store you are buying from. If they have an Instagram page and customers are leaving positive (or negative) comments, reply to them with more questions ... generally people will love to tell you a good or bad experience especially if they already wrote a comment about it.

Another great way to decipher the bad sellers from the real sellers is to ask them what grade hair they are selling ... if they say 7a, 8a,9a ... these numbers mean the hair is not truly Virgin. Simply put these are “grades” or indicators of the quality of hair ... any unprocessed hair will not have a grade - not saying it is not quality hair, but it is not Virgin hair.

Where Can You Buy Quality Virgin Hair? 

  • Kendra’s Boutique - While they are expensive, their hair really is worth the price and allows more than one use with proper care. 
  • Foreign Virgin Hair - www.ForeignVirginHair.com They have the best quality closures and frontals on the market... and great quality hair. 
  • AR Virgin Hair- AR Virgin Hair never disappoints with the quality- hair takes color well.
Hope this helps you make some good choices on hair! Know some other great brands? Put them in the comments 💕

XOXO 😘, 

Paper Doll 

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Microblading ... Is it worth it?

Microblading (also known as eyebrow embroidery or 3D Eyebrows) is semi-permanent makeup procedure that provides a means to fill in missing eyebrow hair or sparse areas with the appearance of simulated hair using fine deposits of cosmetic tattoo pigments.

Microbladed Eyebrows 
Microblading is a 2-session process ... which means you will have to go back after your initial session for a touch-up. This is due to way the skin heals and how the pigment ink (which is thicker than tattoo ink) may heal lighter in some areas than others.   After your touch-up session,your brows should heal and leave you with a thicker and fuller eyebrow shape.

So with all that being said and done ... Is it worth it?

Yes, Absolutely...  If you spend time daily drawing in or fill in your brows with makeup, this is the perfect alternative.  Microblading will not only save you time, but also money in the long run - and lets be honest-who doesn't want to wake up with perfect brows?

So what are you waiting for?


Paper Doll 

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The Wrath of Synthetic Hair

The Wrath of Synthetic Hair

     Once upon a time my virgin hair was long curly and healthy. It was processed with perms and my mother even tried a leisure curl. Now my healthy long hair lost track of how it was suppose to look and my curls became so confused that they went in several directions. I went off to college ad wore a ponytail each day, I attempted another style and experienced hair loss. I wore a wig for about a year and my hair grew back down my back. I then wanted to look normal so I turned to weaves. Surprisingly my hair did not grow as much as it did with the wigs so I lost a few inches. So now I am on a hair journey to have healthy hair, and I have to admit I am not the girl to wear totally natural hair. No excuses no explanations it is just not for me.

      So fast forward to August 2016, I just came out of a weave and wanted a protective style, so I obtained the number of a new stylist and off I went to try these lead in braids. The lead in braids were cute, a definite winner until they got wet. When the hair was wet the chemicals from the hair had an adverse reaction with my skin and before I new it I had hives on 60% of my body. Boy did that itch and my Labor Day weekend turned into a trip to the emergency room and antihistamine trials. I was given a prednisone and benadryl. I had to stop taking the benadryl because it caused more hives. So I took a Zyrtec, Claritan, and another antihistamine. I went to sleep after a long warm shower and slept comfortably.

I also had to wash my hair several times to rid it of the chemical that attached to my hair follicles. I washed it in Neutrogena T Gel and Apple Cider Vinegar. My hair nourished to be relieved from the chemical that attacked it. It is day four and I finally am getting some relief with minimal breakouts. Synthetic hair is a great way for you to protect your hair during your hair journey, but due to my experience with it I never want to see synthetic hair again. Hope all is well in your beautiful world dolls,

Love and Happiness


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The Business Suit

The Business Suit

My first job interview I wore a business suit, my task was to impress them not only with my fantastic answers but also with what I was wearing. Over time women's business wear has evolved. Years ago in the business world women wore sleeves on their dresses and it was mandatory to wear pantyhose. As time moved on the style and trends of how women dressed in the business world changed. Women started to wear tight skirts with loose blouses, pants with just a button up shirt, and even blouses that showed lots of cleavage.

With all of the changes our wages are still paid 79 percent of what men are paid. In 1950 about one in three women participated in the labor force compared with 59.8 percent in 1998. So there are more women in the labor force, yet we are not seen as equal to our male counterparts. I recently had a job interview, it is a dream job (without the seven figure pay). My sister who is a top manager in the corporate world, told me I should wear a dark grey, dark blue, or black suit. I didn't have either of those in my wardrobe. This insight I thought was full of malarkey, however I went and purchased a Calvin Klein dark blue suit from my local department store. She told me not to wear my contact lenses, and instead wear my glasses. I'm not sure if it was my attire or just my intellect and grand answers but I received an invitation to a second interview.

So for my second interview I wore a dark grey suit and yes I wore my glasses again. I felt great and confident, I suppose that is what one should feel. As I looked at what other applicants wore I know why the business suit was the only thing one should wear to a job interview. Sweaters, printed dresses, and colored suit pants such as red and coral are distracting. Now there has been some job interviews in the past where I was under dressed, but the pay scale was less than desirable. Many of us think we will impress with just our resume and a great college transcript. There are a lot of people who have drive and termination that attempt to launch one's career the corporate world unprepared. How can you stand out? Managers are judging you by how you look, because they may have to work with you.

As women we are paid less than expected to perform at a similar or higher capacity than our male counterparts. We run companies, households, and in some cases kingdoms. Some may think that becoming equals with men in the business world is so far out of reach. It may be, however we damn sure better try. Something else that I recall from shopping for business attire. There are not too many selections, it is like they expect us to look like housewives in square dresses. If I were much older and wanted to have on my Sunday's best the selection would have been up to par. Thank goodness for Calvin Klein still believing in the everyday business woman.

Ladies we have the freedom to dress how we want, however the business suit continues to demand the respect and honor we deserve. If you don't have a suit in your closet, there is no time like the presence.



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Oh no! That's Not Ladylike

Hey Dolls!

Today, I want to discuss a VERY important issue and that is the way we talk to our men (whether boyfriend, fiancé or husband).  Now contrary to popular belief, this is not a race or ethnic issue, this is a societal issue and it is growing.   As women become more independent (and are increasingly becoming the breadwinners in the homes), it is important to show our nurturing and loving sides to our mates.  

Disrespect only warrants more disrespect so with that being said, be polite to your lover and end what can start to become a problem in your relationship.  As a married woman, I have caught myself so many times being sarcastic or short-tempered with my husband because of a bad day or me just being in one of my moods.  But I have to think of how I would feel if he behaved the same way ( I definitely wouldn't like that).  

So what can we do about it? Everything:

Never Speak out of Fresh Anger - When situations arise, do not go with your initial reaction ... just breathe... Usually after I calm down, I realize what I may have said or done was not the way I should have handled the situation.  It is so much easier to just breathe, then it is to have to apologize.

Be His Lover, Not His Mother- Men have a different perspective.  Some of the things we might find important, may not be so important to him. But don't scold him on it, learn to appreciate the differences.

Remain Positive - Women tend to be worriers. It is not our fault, it is just in our nature to be nurturing and to take care of others.  With worry comes anxiety, and well, we know how anxiety can make us feel.  It is best to think of the positive things and leave anxiety behind.

Hopefully, this helps give you some perspective :).

Until next time dolls,

xoxo Paper Doll

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No Shade For Beyonce's "Lemonade."


There has been so much discourse about Beyonce's visual album "Lemonade." As an American who has been only really exposed to American culture I can see how one can take her lyrics and think Illuminati or demonic symbolism. As I did a little research I found that all of the poems she recited was the work of Warsan Shire. Warsan Shire is a Somalian poet who now resides in London. She has lived in two places I have not, and observed a world much different than the one I have seen. I am not saying I agree with the words of the poem, but I am sure that there is another meaning than what we are assuming. I think it's an educational moment, just like Rick James was not talking about a woman named "Mary Jane," the poem is probably not talking about what we think. Yes we have to be careful in what words we sing, however we must also know what we are singing. Also I am glad that Beyonce is not literally talking about "hot sauce," in her bag. Maybe some of the cultural misappropriations will be lessened. Then again maybe people will just start carrying a bat.

Later Dolls


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How to Handle Being Late

How to Handle Being Late

It’s 5:45 pm and your sisters Bridal Shower starts at 6:00 pm. You are 30 minutes away and you still need to set-up the party favors. Obviously you are going to be late and guests are going to arrive to an incomplete room. You are probably going to speed, and have rushed thoughts, as anxiety floods through every part of your body. Well don’t! Don’t speed; don’t rush, in fact pace yourself. You are already late, and if you are calm and collected your task will be a lot easier to handle. While you are on the road think of alternate ways to present and distribute those party favors. Plan A has been nixed.
We all have arrived a little late for a party, meeting, concert, sporting events, work, or even a wedding. Some of us have excuses, and some of us have poor habits that lead us to being late all of the time. Being late provides a picture of the person you are. Even if the painting is distorted, it can affect your life, as well as cause you to miss out on some special moments. This blog is not advocating being late, but rather provides some tools on how to handle being late.
Being late can be a time management problem, or some internal problem that makes you less aware of the time it takes to complete a task. For instance, when you go on vacation and take an early flight, you are tired and tend to rush to and through the airport. After you rush through security and get on the plane, you may take a nap or have an adult beverage. You arrive to your destination and get cozy into your room. Instead of enjoying the view and some local fun you go take a nap. So you woke up at 3:00 am to catch a 5:50 am flight to sleep in a lovely hotel room. It’s time to make an adjustment.  If you are not a morning person you are more likely to run behind. Don’t do it to yourself. Stop booking early flights if you are not an early morning flight person! 

Arriving a few hours later to your destination will have you relaxed and ready to enjoy your vacation.
Are you late to events or work often? I used to set my clock a half of an hour early to leave out on time for work. I did not fool myself, and doing so did not make me a half of an hour early. The truth is I dreaded going to work, so it was hard for me to move at the right pace. This place was a part of the foundation that helped to secure my livelihood, so until I found another avenue of employment I had to adjust and reinvent how I used my time. Find something you like to do, and do it a few hours before your shift. I love online shopping and writing, so I would conduct this activity to produce positive vibes before I left for work. Actively engaging in positive activities before work relaxed me, and made me more focused and aware of the time.
Time is something you can never give back, so you must use it wisely. Be prepared for events that are previously
planned by envisioning what you will wear, your drive with and without traffic, and what time you would like to arrive. Be aware of what time an event starts so you can leave in a comfortable amount of time. If you are someone who people look forward to seeing at an event, then don’t disappoint! Down time is another reason why people don’t arrive on time. Instead of arriving late to avoid downtime, arrive on time and bring a quick task you can complete. I often bring my daily planner and check it. A lot of people use their cell phones to past time. Whatever your task or destination is, being late should not be a part of your legacy. If you must be late be graceful, smile, and make no excuses.

Stay Cool 


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