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Hydration: Beauty's Best Secret

 Hydration: Beauty's Best Secret

Every lady must know her skin, body, and hair, knowing what makes your skin radiant, what keeps your body soft, your hair strong and beautiful is essential to staying beautiful. A lot of of  women adore the styles and admire women on television and in magazines, they wonder what the key to their success is. The key to their success is make-up, make-up, make-up and fantastic editing. Make-up, clothes, and even hair extensions can cover a lot of flaws, why spend thousands of dollars a year to cover up? 
Now I am a person who loves options so I am not against anything that enhances your beauty. We spend hundreds and some of us thousands of dollars a year to be the perfect you. Some us of hide our secret weapons in our purses so that we can stay beautiful all day. Well enough is enough it is time for us to start using beauty's greatest secret to achieve our goals. Beauty's greatest secret is water, yes H20, it is essential to beautiful lips, face, hands, body, feet and hair.
 Just a note, water is a secret ingredient however vitamins included with 8-10 glasses of water each day will help you reach your goal. Hydration is a key to your lips, face, hands, body, feet, and hair staying healthy soft, and strong. The products that we use can also be a deal breaker, for instance I can not use Pantene Truly Natural Hair Products. It stiffens my hair and does not give me soft and manageable hair, yet I can use other products from Pantene Pro-V. So you have to be mindful as to what works for your body and your hair.I did not know how much hydration played a part in the softness of your lips, I apply lip balm each day and now I know that is a total no. Some items are topical and just provide a layer over your lips like Chapstick
If you just need a layer of protection sure use Chapstick, however if you do not want chap lips and soft kissable lips you should use a product with shea, emu, and/or vitamin E oil.You also have to ensure that your body is not deficient of vitamin B, iron, or essential fatty acids. A trip to the doctor or a simple multi-vitamin may solve your problem. Ulta Beauty Store has a great product called E Oil Stick by Riviva Labs and it is around $3.99.The winter is a tough time for the body and face because enduring unfavorable temperature and windburn can damage your skin. It is important all year to wear a moisturizer and especially in the winter. I just recently discovered Kate Somerville 'Nourish' Daily Moisturizer there are two sizes that range from $20.00 to $65.00. I also use Kate Somerville daily wash, combing the use of these two products can lead to flawless skin. Ambi is a great way to repair your skin, Ambi mixed with Cocoa Butter helps to repair any sun damage. 
Now let's talk about feet most people are on their feet a lot and if you are on your feet with heels each day your feet may be in need of a spa day. Moisturizing your feet to keep them soft and smooth is easy to do at home. There is a great place called Lush that sales wonderful kits to help you achieve this. Another great tip is to wash your keep and then place vaseline on them, after applying vaseline wrap them in Saran Wrap and leave it on overnight, wash them in the morning and your feet will be softer than a tempur-pedic pillow.

Your hands are so important to staying hydrated; you use your hands to touch, feel, write, eat, and so much more. I wash my hands a lot each day and they are always dry, so I have to reapply lotion each time. One great product I have found to abate this is Baby Oil Gel, it helps to hydrate the skin as well as offers a layer of protection, which keeps your skin becoming dry. Hand creams with vitamin E  and SPF will surely make your hand worth holding. The best products in the world can give you the comfort and results you want, however nothing will help you stay beautiful inside and out like staying hydrated, water yes water is essential to a beautiful you. 

Keep your skin hydrated, moisturize daily.
"Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful"



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Stop Wasting Your Money

Hi Dolls,
With the way we spend our money on a day to day basis it should come as no surprise that there are many easy ways to cut back.  Also as we get our daily spending under control we will begin to have the confidence to look for more significant ways to cut our expenses.  But first things first.  Consider these 5 suggestions as a means to guide and get a handle on your day to day spending.
     Allowances aren't just for kids.  One of the best ways to get your spending under control is to monitor and limit the amount of cash you spend on incidental day to day items, many of which are unnecessary.  Figure out how to spend your day to day cash, look at purchases that can be avoided or reduced and put yourself on an allowance.  Start each Monday with a set amount of money that should last you for a week.  Of course if you run out of money you will take out more spending cash, but at least your impulse to excess will be tempered by the realization that you've exceeded your present limit.
     All too often the extra cash people carry for "emergencies "ends up being spent on frivolities.  You really don't need to carry a lot of cash.  Keep it in the bank, where it can earn interests. If you don't trust banks a nice safety deposit or safe in your home will do.
    ATM machines are convenient, but do you know that they can be expensive?  An increasing number of banks are assessing charges for each use of the ATM machine. At some banks if you get cash back at let's say a local drugstore, you are charged an ATM fee. Find out your banks policy, and if you're paying for the privilege, keep your ATM machine visits to a minimum.
     Chances are your bank will waive it's monthly checking account fees if you maintain a sufficient balance in the account.  If not, you can certainly find a bank that does.  Even if you fail to balance your account on one occasion, you may call the bank and request the fee be waived. It may seem like a lot to keep up the balance.  But compare that against the fees you'll other wise be assessed.  Usually you're far better off keeping the sufficient level to waive the fees than you are by having that money earning interest somewhere.
     Lastly, the greater the distance you can place between yourself and your check book or debit card (not to mention your credit cards), the less the temptation there will be to spend money for something you don't need. 

    Ladies these are some tips that will help you with your initial day to day impulses to over spend but it is up to you to use them.  Until next time Dolls be well and be safe.



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