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What Not To Wear

Many woman dress for convenience.  Having a busy schedule or even children may dictate the way you dress.  The way you've dressed in the past before the children and your now busy careers sometimes may not resemble the woman you are today.  Think of the time you have rushed to the store thinking, " I'll only be a moment".  What's wrong with this, is that everyone sees you and with today's social media you could easily become the joke on Facebook and Instagram. I know your mother have informed you that when you go out in public, you must have on matching underwear. That ladies was for a reason, not so Victoria Secret can make more money, but the impression it gives. Your underwear holds your valuables so to speak, and you cloth your valuables so whomever sees them has a good impression of you.
     It is unreasonable to think that we can always be runway ready.  However, with a few changes and consideration you can certainly look great.  Here are some things that women should avoid being seen in public in.

A superb option to the bonnet.
Hair Bonnets- First of all wearing sleepwear in public is not appealing, the perception from men and women is that you are not clean and have not bathed.  If it is a must that you go in public in a rush a baseball cap or a clean hair wrap, will give you a better look.  It can even be fashion friendly with your hair brushed down.

Robes- Again bath or bed attire has no place in public.  A nice windbreaker or light leather would be more suitable.

Pajamas-Pajamas are so comfortable, I have seen so many people at the grocery store shopping in their PJs. Ladies purchase a nice legging or Yoga pant to slip into when conducting short errands, after all you never know who you will run into.

Last Nights Make-Up- This is a sure sigh that you have not taken the time to shower.  Please wash your face as it is one of the first things you should do when you wake if you do not get in the shower.

No Bra-Ladies if you are a size C and larger your breast are very noticeable, and when you do not wear a bra everyone notices. Although it is uncomfortable sometimes to wear a bra, bras can delay sagging and enhance your bust area.

As humans we process information first with our eyes.  As we gather information from what we see we are able to draw conclusions.  If I see a woman wearing pajamas or clothing that she has slept in or even make-up from the previous day, my first thought is that she is not clean.  Even if a woman is rushing if you don't take time to make yourself presentable it shows that you don't care about your appearance that's wretched.

     So dolls, in conclusion, you can avoid becoming the laughing stock of social media circles by putting a little thought to what you choose to wear outside the house even if your rushing.  If you can careless what a person might think, consider the impression you are making on the people in your life.



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