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Wear White When You Want To

Why You Should Wear White When You Want To

I woke up one morning and looked in my closet and it was filled with white and black garments. I don't know what prompted me to do this, there was this one year I decided to purchase nothing but clothing either black, white, or with the combination of both. It became my thing every time I went out I wanted to be seen in something black or white. Of course I did not wear these items to work as my job sometimes leads me to some unfavorable places. One day I decided to wear a pair of white pants and a black shirt, and people were so taken back by this. Oh the stares and yes I have a mirror, so I know I look great in them.
 For me wearing white whenever is normal, in January I wore a sheer black shirt and some white harem pants to an upscale restaurant and was complimented on my ensemble. At work though it was the opposite, I heard a few questions which are really just sounded like an opinion. "Why are you wearing white pants after Labor Day?" they asked. Confused by the question I offered no answer. So I decided to Google this fashion faux pas, and I found nothing of sound information as to why this was so important.
History states that the summer is the hot months (of course I knew that) and that white is generally worn during those months to thwart off the heat. So wearing white was a seasonal thing, I get that. White also signified classes of people, the working class wore dark colors as well as people who lived in the city. It was hard to keep if clean in city environments and of course people did not dare wear white attire to a blue collar job.
Designers and stores are selling white clothing after Labor Day not for you to save it to wear May through September, but at your leisure to fashionably sport your clothing. Look at Olivia Pope, her white coat made history, it's not stark white, but you get the point.
What I do not get is that people who want to be free to do whatever they want, would like for others to be stuck into a list of what to dos and what not to do. There are no rules when it come to when I wear a color for me. White is generally a color that you can see through, and in the fall and winter rain or snow can make it difficult to wear. When the opportunity presents itself forget about what month it is and wear what you like. I know for me I will continue to wear white after Labor Day. Break the rules, it's called "winter white" for a reason.



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