Women all over the globe use the tactic of withholding sex in anger, retaliation, and persuasion of some sort. One time or another ladies you may have done the same thing. Let's analyze why this is not such a good idea. What's most obvious is that some men have the mentality of what they cannot get from home or from you as their woman, they can get elsewhere. So with that in mind, a woman holding back her "good's" in retaliation may run the risk of her man cheating on her with a woman a bit more in a giving mood. What makes a man less inclined to cheat? Could you be stressing him out?
Ladies, sex produces chemicals in our bodies that relax us and relieve stress. If you withhold sex you can promote a sense of uneasiness with your man. You could give the impression that you are not pleased with you man's performance as well. If this is not the case you could be promoting self doubt in your man's ability to satisfy you. Worse yet you can make him think you are cheating.. The porn industry is a billion dollar booming business. How would you like for your man to defer 3 or 4 hundred dollars of his monthly income that he'd normally spend on you to some cyber sex lol? What about the strip club scene, is that where you picture his money should go? Does holding out still sound appealing?
Sex creates a bond that is intimate. When withheld what are you doing to that bond? Creating space within that union. Consider this: Maybe your boyfriend or husband forgets to do something important to you. Is withholding sex from him going to solve the problem? No! It only adds one. Though you may not be in the mood after suffering from disappointment,no matter how minor or major of importance the issue are, rather than withholding sex as a tool of retaliation, talking about what is on your mind instead of masking it creates intimacy and a closeness that encourages a working relationship. Whereas, using sex as a tool in such a manner incites division. Just think, your husband forgets to take out the garbage,when you come home from work it's stinking up the house. What's your next thought? You are upset right? Although this upsets you to no end, you take the trash out and freshen up the house and, seemingly there is no problem when your husband gets home. At least until he tries to have some intimate time. This lasts for weeks. Instead of expressing yourself to your husband about how you felt and how this affects you, you hold out the loving. Tension is building in the both of you. Thoughts of the unknown breeds suspicion and tension mounts. Your husband is unable to perform well at his workplace and you remain irritated. Is it really worth all the drama you can potentially cause?
Consider a more healthier approach to the situation. Communication, clear cut and dry. Such communication in a relationship promotes understanding. This way your man has a clear understanding of what's going on with you and what your needs and wants may be. In conclusion ladies, holding out is not a good idea. It doesn't serve to solve problems or issues, it only causes them. Furthermore what are you really trying to gain, respect or control? Your man is not a child that you should feel the need to put on a punishment. He is your partner and communicating with him as such is sure to get you much further that holding out in the bedroom.