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Revive Your Day Before Noon 

Do you find yourself rushing to get things done and not having the energy nor time to finish certain tasks regular or otherwise?  Here is a list of things you can do before 10:00 am to calm a potentially overwhelming day?

1.Meditate- In order to take advantage of the benefits of meditation you do not have to go into a transit state of iambic humming.  But you can begin your day with a sense of calm by taking 10 to 15 minutes to sit quietly.  This will set the tone for your day increasing for you chances to increase your focus, zero in on a positive energy source and build optimism.  Next you can:

2. Set your daily intention- Focus intently on three goals you want to accomplish.  Make these goals a priority by list of importance.  As you accomplish these tasks you will feel more productive at each completion.  Remember to simplify these goals.  Don't hamper the good tone you have set for the day by overwhelming yourself with unrealistic goals.  Keep it simple.  For instance.  You may say, "no matter what today brings I will have an optimistic attitude," be cheerful throughout the day, and complete tasks one at a time.

3. Use a Schedule- After setting your daily intentions take time to make for yourself a schedule.  This way you have allotted ample time for yourself to complete tasks..  Sometimes emergencies arise.  A well organized schedule will allow you to make decisions in an organized way and handle whatever is needed at short notice.

4. Stretch-  It is not an easy task to incorporate exercise into every morning.  But with good planning and schedule ten minutes of stretching can do much to loosen your body of tension and increase circulation, flexibility and reduce stress.

5. Have a light Breakfast- A hardy breakfast will only make you feel sluggish, imagine starting your day with
a heavy stomach.  Not a good idea.  A bran muffin or cereal with fruit could start your day light while providing nutrients needed and carbohydrates that can carry you as an energy source until lunch.  These are just five thing to help with a positive confident mindset that will help you through any day or tough task.

Be Well.



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