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How to Handle Being Late

How to Handle Being Late

It’s 5:45 pm and your sisters Bridal Shower starts at 6:00 pm. You are 30 minutes away and you still need to set-up the party favors. Obviously you are going to be late and guests are going to arrive to an incomplete room. You are probably going to speed, and have rushed thoughts, as anxiety floods through every part of your body. Well don’t! Don’t speed; don’t rush, in fact pace yourself. You are already late, and if you are calm and collected your task will be a lot easier to handle. While you are on the road think of alternate ways to present and distribute those party favors. Plan A has been nixed.
We all have arrived a little late for a party, meeting, concert, sporting events, work, or even a wedding. Some of us have excuses, and some of us have poor habits that lead us to being late all of the time. Being late provides a picture of the person you are. Even if the painting is distorted, it can affect your life, as well as cause you to miss out on some special moments. This blog is not advocating being late, but rather provides some tools on how to handle being late.
Being late can be a time management problem, or some internal problem that makes you less aware of the time it takes to complete a task. For instance, when you go on vacation and take an early flight, you are tired and tend to rush to and through the airport. After you rush through security and get on the plane, you may take a nap or have an adult beverage. You arrive to your destination and get cozy into your room. Instead of enjoying the view and some local fun you go take a nap. So you woke up at 3:00 am to catch a 5:50 am flight to sleep in a lovely hotel room. It’s time to make an adjustment.  If you are not a morning person you are more likely to run behind. Don’t do it to yourself. Stop booking early flights if you are not an early morning flight person! 

Arriving a few hours later to your destination will have you relaxed and ready to enjoy your vacation.
Are you late to events or work often? I used to set my clock a half of an hour early to leave out on time for work. I did not fool myself, and doing so did not make me a half of an hour early. The truth is I dreaded going to work, so it was hard for me to move at the right pace. This place was a part of the foundation that helped to secure my livelihood, so until I found another avenue of employment I had to adjust and reinvent how I used my time. Find something you like to do, and do it a few hours before your shift. I love online shopping and writing, so I would conduct this activity to produce positive vibes before I left for work. Actively engaging in positive activities before work relaxed me, and made me more focused and aware of the time.
Time is something you can never give back, so you must use it wisely. Be prepared for events that are previously
planned by envisioning what you will wear, your drive with and without traffic, and what time you would like to arrive. Be aware of what time an event starts so you can leave in a comfortable amount of time. If you are someone who people look forward to seeing at an event, then don’t disappoint! Down time is another reason why people don’t arrive on time. Instead of arriving late to avoid downtime, arrive on time and bring a quick task you can complete. I often bring my daily planner and check it. A lot of people use their cell phones to past time. Whatever your task or destination is, being late should not be a part of your legacy. If you must be late be graceful, smile, and make no excuses.

Stay Cool 


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