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Oh no! That's Not Ladylike

Hey Dolls!

Today, I want to discuss a VERY important issue and that is the way we talk to our men (whether boyfriend, fiancĂ© or husband).  Now contrary to popular belief, this is not a race or ethnic issue, this is a societal issue and it is growing.   As women become more independent (and are increasingly becoming the breadwinners in the homes), it is important to show our nurturing and loving sides to our mates.  

Disrespect only warrants more disrespect so with that being said, be polite to your lover and end what can start to become a problem in your relationship.  As a married woman, I have caught myself so many times being sarcastic or short-tempered with my husband because of a bad day or me just being in one of my moods.  But I have to think of how I would feel if he behaved the same way ( I definitely wouldn't like that).  

So what can we do about it? Everything:

Never Speak out of Fresh Anger - When situations arise, do not go with your initial reaction ... just breathe... Usually after I calm down, I realize what I may have said or done was not the way I should have handled the situation.  It is so much easier to just breathe, then it is to have to apologize.

Be His Lover, Not His Mother- Men have a different perspective.  Some of the things we might find important, may not be so important to him. But don't scold him on it, learn to appreciate the differences.

Remain Positive - Women tend to be worriers. It is not our fault, it is just in our nature to be nurturing and to take care of others.  With worry comes anxiety, and well, we know how anxiety can make us feel.  It is best to think of the positive things and leave anxiety behind.

Hopefully, this helps give you some perspective :).

Until next time dolls,

xoxo Paper Doll

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