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Love Via Social Media : An Instagram Love Story

Love... Everyone seems to be searching for that "one" person who will offer them the sanctuary of true love. There are hundreds of mobile apps and websites that promise to help you find that special someone. So is it wrong to look for love through social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook? In my opinion...NO and let me tell you why.

 I met my husband at an jewelry line launch party in Detroit through a friend. We didn't really talk to each other, it was literally just a Hi and Bye situation.  He complimented me on my decor and jewelry designs and literally that was the end of our conversation. About a month later, I was on Instagram and I saw this cute guy comment on my friend's Instagram picture... I looked through his pictures on Instagram and really liked what I saw (pictures of him working out and a few pictures of him with his little brothers) so I followed him. I started liking and commenting on his pictures ( and vice versa) and after a while I sent him a DM (direct message) asking him where was he from, since he seemed to travel frequently. He responded back to me in a few days and then the conversation kept growing. Ultimately, he asked for my number and then we would talk, text and Skype. It wasn't until we started talking via Skype when I realized we had met. That helped me put my guard down a lot and intrigued me more.  Our conversations went on for hours about life, people and just everything. He was amazingly sweet even from a distance. Eventually he flew up to Detriot to come visit me and take me out on a date and from there history was made.  To this day, I am still grateful I went outside my norm and decided to contact him on Instagram. Who knows if we would be married today if I didn't.  

While I don't believe social media is the only source to find love, I do believe it can tell you a lot about a person.  Social media can also bring people together who otherwise might not have met. And it definitely can reintroduce you to someone you may have not had the opportunity to meet again. So with that being said, it is ok to find love via Instagram, Facebook and etc. Who knows? You may just find your soulmate like I did. 

Sincerely from the Heart, 

Paper Doll xoxo 

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Financing Weave & Hair Extensions: The Dirty Truth

Hey Dolls,

I love weave! I especially love adding in new hair extensions with each new hair style. But let's be honest... It can get really expensive to continuously buy weave and most of the so-called "virgin and unprocessed" hair is really just good fibers or processed hair. So what can you do if you want new weave, but the budget is tight? Well, I personally suggest saving up and investing in better hair and better hair care products to prolong the life of your hair extensions. But a new trend has hit the market for weave buying. Loans for Weave

Weave Loan Store In Detroit, MI
 Virgin Hair sellers across the U.S. are now offering financing for hair extensions... But does it really benefit the consumer? The answer is not a simple yes or no, it depends on a few different factors. For one, is the hair quality good and will the hair last? I would think there is nothing worse than paying monthly for weave you can no longer use or was only able to install once. Second thing to consider is the financing costs. If the interest is high, do not apply. You could end up paying double the price for the weave ... That's another bundle or 2 - so don't finance,  if there is not an option to payoff the loan or credit early without prepayment fees or without interest.

BTW I have heard  that the loan provider AFFIX charges a very high interest rate per month.

Looking for good virgin hair? visit www.ForeignVirginHair.com for the hottest curls and lace front wigs.

Hope this blog helps :)


Paper Doll 

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Can You Wait To Have A Baby?

Can You Wait To Have A Baby?

When I was younger I thought I would have five children, a colonial style home and a husband named Michael for some reason.  So what happen?  Well I suppose either the condoms worked or their soldier of love did not deliver. Was that too much too soon? My apologies. Childless in your thirties leads to a lot of assumptions that people make about you. Some people think that you may not be able to conceive, you’re so career driven that your sex life is nil, or you just don’t like children. No one’s first thought is that it just has not happened yet. I’m a little guilty too with my perceptions. When I meet a woman in her thirties without children  I make assumptions as well, I always think that they were not able to conceive. For many of us, it just has not happened yet, and some of the times it is for good reason. Reflecting on past relationships, could you imagine having children with some of your ex-boyfriends?
The more articles you read, talk to friends and family or your gynecologist, the more you may become discouraged about having your first child in your thirties. We all know that there are some Hollywood stars handling pregnancy in their 30s and 40s, as great as any 25 year old, but that may not be your reality. So what should you let influence you, Hollywood, your bank account, statistics, your marital status? All of the above would be the easiest answer, but most women are influenced by statistics that state that your fertility rate starts to decline at age 27. Almost anywhere on the internet you can read “a woman’s chance of pregnancy is approximately 20 percent each month at age 30, dwindling to 5 percent by age 40.” Although those percentages may be real in some instances it is unfair to place the stress and anxiety on yourself because you are older than 27 years of age and has yet to conceive a child. I’d say getting pregnant is all up to your body, and even with proper nutrition, exercising, a man with some great swimmers and youth on your side you may have had a difficult time.

The statistics get worst when reading articles about attempting to get pregnant between the ages of 35 and 39 where you have about 33 percent chance of not getting pregnant within a year of trying. Statistics suck and can leave some women discouraged, depressed, and even end some relationships. The most encouraging moments in life can be when you see someone accomplish something they tried so hard for. What you will rarely read on the internet is about current well-designed studies where women are successfully having babies. A lot of research that we are basing our life choices on is primitive. 

There is an article published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2004 and headed by David Dunson that examined the chances for pregnancy in women 35 to 39 years of age. The results were amazing, it found that with sex at least twice a week, 82 percent of 35-to-39-year-old women conceive within a year, compared with 86 percent of 27-to-34-year-olds. Another study released this March in Fertility and Sterility and led by Kenneth Rothman of Boston University, followed 2,820 Danish women as they tried to get pregnant. Among women having sex during their fertile times, 78 percent of 35-to-40-year-olds got pregnant within a year.

Overall there may be many factors in you becoming pregnant, however don’t let age discourage you. One of my favorite quotes is from the book The Alchemist by Paul Coelho it states “ And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” I believe that with all of me, and as I approach another birthday I won’t worry or fret rather I am getting to old to have children. Don’t worry about your age as much as society does, if it is possible for you to have a child it will happen. So how long can you wait to have a baby? As long as it takes.


Nikki E.

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Revive Your Day Before Noon 

Do you find yourself rushing to get things done and not having the energy nor time to finish certain tasks regular or otherwise?  Here is a list of things you can do before 10:00 am to calm a potentially overwhelming day?

1.Meditate- In order to take advantage of the benefits of meditation you do not have to go into a transit state of iambic humming.  But you can begin your day with a sense of calm by taking 10 to 15 minutes to sit quietly.  This will set the tone for your day increasing for you chances to increase your focus, zero in on a positive energy source and build optimism.  Next you can:

2. Set your daily intention- Focus intently on three goals you want to accomplish.  Make these goals a priority by list of importance.  As you accomplish these tasks you will feel more productive at each completion.  Remember to simplify these goals.  Don't hamper the good tone you have set for the day by overwhelming yourself with unrealistic goals.  Keep it simple.  For instance.  You may say, "no matter what today brings I will have an optimistic attitude," be cheerful throughout the day, and complete tasks one at a time.

3. Use a Schedule- After setting your daily intentions take time to make for yourself a schedule.  This way you have allotted ample time for yourself to complete tasks..  Sometimes emergencies arise.  A well organized schedule will allow you to make decisions in an organized way and handle whatever is needed at short notice.

4. Stretch-  It is not an easy task to incorporate exercise into every morning.  But with good planning and schedule ten minutes of stretching can do much to loosen your body of tension and increase circulation, flexibility and reduce stress.

5. Have a light Breakfast- A hardy breakfast will only make you feel sluggish, imagine starting your day with
a heavy stomach.  Not a good idea.  A bran muffin or cereal with fruit could start your day light while providing nutrients needed and carbohydrates that can carry you as an energy source until lunch.  These are just five thing to help with a positive confident mindset that will help you through any day or tough task.

Be Well.



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Holding Out Sex, Solution or Problem?

 Women all over the globe use the tactic of withholding sex in anger, retaliation, and persuasion of some sort.  One time or another ladies you may have done the same thing.  Let's analyze why this is not such a good idea.  What's most obvious is that some men have the mentality of what they cannot get from home or from you as their woman, they can get elsewhere.  So with that in mind, a woman holding back her "good's" in retaliation may run the risk of her man cheating on her with a woman a bit more in a giving mood.  What makes a man less inclined to cheat?  Could you be stressing him out?
     Ladies, sex produces chemicals in our bodies that relax us and relieve stress.  If you withhold sex you can promote a sense of uneasiness with your man.  You could give the impression that you are not pleased with you man's performance as well.  If this is not the case you could be promoting self doubt in your man's ability to satisfy you.  Worse yet you can make him think you are cheating..  The porn industry is a billion dollar booming business.  How would you like for your man to defer 3 or 4 hundred dollars of his monthly income that he'd normally spend on you to some cyber sex lol? What about the strip club scene, is that where you picture his money should go? Does holding out still sound appealing?
     Sex creates a bond that is intimate.  When withheld what are you doing to that bond?  Creating space within that union.  Consider this:  Maybe your boyfriend or husband forgets to do something important to you.  Is withholding sex from him going to solve the problem?  No! It only adds one.  Though you may not be in the mood after suffering from disappointment,no matter how minor or major of importance the issue are, rather than withholding sex as a tool of retaliation, talking about what is on your mind instead of masking it creates intimacy and a closeness that encourages a working relationship.  Whereas, using sex as a tool in such a manner incites division.  Just think, your husband forgets to take out the garbage,when you come home from work it's stinking up the house. What's your next thought? You are upset right? Although this upsets you to no end, you take the trash  out and freshen up the house and, seemingly there is no problem when your husband gets home. At least until he tries to have some intimate time.  This lasts for weeks.  Instead of expressing yourself to your husband about how you felt and how this affects you, you hold out the loving.  Tension is building in the both of you.  Thoughts of the unknown breeds suspicion and tension mounts.  Your husband is unable to perform well at his workplace and you remain irritated. Is it really worth all the drama you can potentially cause?
     Consider a more healthier approach to the situation.  Communication, clear cut and dry.  Such communication in a relationship promotes understanding.  This way your man has a clear understanding of what's going on with you and what your needs and wants may be.  In conclusion ladies, holding out is not a good idea.  It doesn't serve to solve problems or issues, it only causes them.  Furthermore what are you really trying to gain, respect or control?  Your man is not a child that you should feel the need to put on a  punishment.  He is your partner and communicating with him as such is sure to get you much further that holding out in the bedroom.


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Afford Your Wants and Beg Your Needs?

Hi Dolls,

About five years ago a co-worker introduced me to these sites called Groupon, Living Social, and Rue La La. I absolutely love online shopping and deals, so it would have seemed that I would have jumped in full force, I did not. I am familiar with sites like Amazon and 6pm.com, they offer me exactly what I need from the comfort of my home. Adding new sites was a little like changing traveling plans in the middle of a trip.
Rue La La is a site where members are offered luxury and designer goods at a lower price. They offer such goods as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada. All of the items are new, but here is the catch, they only have a limited amount. So its kind of an exclusive sale, however if you have expensive taste and you want to buy those things on sale you want to be a part of this site.
Living Social is a site that offers deals on the best thing in your local city, I have not had much interaction on this site, the site offers great getaways from Nile to Egypt to Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic and Jamaica for under a $1,000 each.
My favorite of all these sites has become Groupon, if you are not using Groupon you are potentially spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on things that everyone else is getting a discount on. Now who does not like the words “sale” or “discount?” Well maybe there are some people who do not ever buy things on discount, not me!
I have been using this site more and more since my vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada. On vacation my travel party was able to take advantage and experience some amazing places and events by just accessing this site. I recently have purchased tickets to see Nicki Minaj for $25.00, 30 sessions for kickboxing for only $29.00, lunch at Addison Eatery ($20.00 value for only $11.00). There is also deals for massages, Zumba, Destinations, Horseback Riding, Beauty Services, Car Detailing and even catering services.
If you are on a budget, in need of an adventure or upgrading your wardrobe Rue La La, Living Social, and Groupon are great apps to have on your phone. Daily deals are sent to your email for an even more convenient way to be notified. So what are you waiting on sign-up to start saving.



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Go Fund Me Campaign

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Wear White When You Want To

Why You Should Wear White When You Want To

I woke up one morning and looked in my closet and it was filled with white and black garments. I don't know what prompted me to do this, there was this one year I decided to purchase nothing but clothing either black, white, or with the combination of both. It became my thing every time I went out I wanted to be seen in something black or white. Of course I did not wear these items to work as my job sometimes leads me to some unfavorable places. One day I decided to wear a pair of white pants and a black shirt, and people were so taken back by this. Oh the stares and yes I have a mirror, so I know I look great in them.
 For me wearing white whenever is normal, in January I wore a sheer black shirt and some white harem pants to an upscale restaurant and was complimented on my ensemble. At work though it was the opposite, I heard a few questions which are really just sounded like an opinion. "Why are you wearing white pants after Labor Day?" they asked. Confused by the question I offered no answer. So I decided to Google this fashion faux pas, and I found nothing of sound information as to why this was so important.
History states that the summer is the hot months (of course I knew that) and that white is generally worn during those months to thwart off the heat. So wearing white was a seasonal thing, I get that. White also signified classes of people, the working class wore dark colors as well as people who lived in the city. It was hard to keep if clean in city environments and of course people did not dare wear white attire to a blue collar job.
Designers and stores are selling white clothing after Labor Day not for you to save it to wear May through September, but at your leisure to fashionably sport your clothing. Look at Olivia Pope, her white coat made history, it's not stark white, but you get the point.
What I do not get is that people who want to be free to do whatever they want, would like for others to be stuck into a list of what to dos and what not to do. There are no rules when it come to when I wear a color for me. White is generally a color that you can see through, and in the fall and winter rain or snow can make it difficult to wear. When the opportunity presents itself forget about what month it is and wear what you like. I know for me I will continue to wear white after Labor Day. Break the rules, it's called "winter white" for a reason.



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What Not To Wear

Many woman dress for convenience.  Having a busy schedule or even children may dictate the way you dress.  The way you've dressed in the past before the children and your now busy careers sometimes may not resemble the woman you are today.  Think of the time you have rushed to the store thinking, " I'll only be a moment".  What's wrong with this, is that everyone sees you and with today's social media you could easily become the joke on Facebook and Instagram. I know your mother have informed you that when you go out in public, you must have on matching underwear. That ladies was for a reason, not so Victoria Secret can make more money, but the impression it gives. Your underwear holds your valuables so to speak, and you cloth your valuables so whomever sees them has a good impression of you.
     It is unreasonable to think that we can always be runway ready.  However, with a few changes and consideration you can certainly look great.  Here are some things that women should avoid being seen in public in.

A superb option to the bonnet.
Hair Bonnets- First of all wearing sleepwear in public is not appealing, the perception from men and women is that you are not clean and have not bathed.  If it is a must that you go in public in a rush a baseball cap or a clean hair wrap, will give you a better look.  It can even be fashion friendly with your hair brushed down.

Robes- Again bath or bed attire has no place in public.  A nice windbreaker or light leather would be more suitable.

Pajamas-Pajamas are so comfortable, I have seen so many people at the grocery store shopping in their PJs. Ladies purchase a nice legging or Yoga pant to slip into when conducting short errands, after all you never know who you will run into.

Last Nights Make-Up- This is a sure sigh that you have not taken the time to shower.  Please wash your face as it is one of the first things you should do when you wake if you do not get in the shower.

No Bra-Ladies if you are a size C and larger your breast are very noticeable, and when you do not wear a bra everyone notices. Although it is uncomfortable sometimes to wear a bra, bras can delay sagging and enhance your bust area.

As humans we process information first with our eyes.  As we gather information from what we see we are able to draw conclusions.  If I see a woman wearing pajamas or clothing that she has slept in or even make-up from the previous day, my first thought is that she is not clean.  Even if a woman is rushing if you don't take time to make yourself presentable it shows that you don't care about your appearance that's wretched.

     So dolls, in conclusion, you can avoid becoming the laughing stock of social media circles by putting a little thought to what you choose to wear outside the house even if your rushing.  If you can careless what a person might think, consider the impression you are making on the people in your life.



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