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Financing Weave & Hair Extensions: The Dirty Truth

Hey Dolls,

I love weave! I especially love adding in new hair extensions with each new hair style. But let's be honest... It can get really expensive to continuously buy weave and most of the so-called "virgin and unprocessed" hair is really just good fibers or processed hair. So what can you do if you want new weave, but the budget is tight? Well, I personally suggest saving up and investing in better hair and better hair care products to prolong the life of your hair extensions. But a new trend has hit the market for weave buying. Loans for Weave

Weave Loan Store In Detroit, MI
 Virgin Hair sellers across the U.S. are now offering financing for hair extensions... But does it really benefit the consumer? The answer is not a simple yes or no, it depends on a few different factors. For one, is the hair quality good and will the hair last? I would think there is nothing worse than paying monthly for weave you can no longer use or was only able to install once. Second thing to consider is the financing costs. If the interest is high, do not apply. You could end up paying double the price for the weave ... That's another bundle or 2 - so don't finance,  if there is not an option to payoff the loan or credit early without prepayment fees or without interest.

BTW I have heard  that the loan provider AFFIX charges a very high interest rate per month.

Looking for good virgin hair? visit www.ForeignVirginHair.com for the hottest curls and lace front wigs.

Hope this blog helps :)


Paper Doll 

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