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Bad Habits: Relationship Woes

Hello Ladies,

 Remember the fire that you've had in the beginning of your relationship?  Passionate kissing, him opening the door, fantastic little surprises, cruises, dinner & a movie, ski trips, you name it, the two of you have done it. So fast-forward to the present has the pressures of life turned that flame into a flicker?  If so let't talk about steps that can bring the spice back into your relationship.
     Most times we become weighed down and consumed with bills, child care, and even our personal pursuits and goals.  In this regard scheduling time for you and your partner can do much for a relationship that needs it's burner re-lit.  This time scheduled can include a date night whether it's once a month, once a week, or every two weeks which ever you both agree upon.
     Secondly, after a time is scheduled communication is important.  Ask your partner are all their needs being met within your relationship?  Whether the answer is yes or no, ask what can you do to make things even better? And ladies if there is any deficiency within your relationship respectfully let your man know what areas are he may be able to give attention to as well.  Be sure to be respectful of your mates feelings if the subject is sensitive.  Be sure to let him know that you wish to improve your relationship in any way possible.  Now here comes the fun part!  Express your wants!
     In fact, you can tell your man for instance that any wants that he'd like you to pay extra attention to you will provide to if he trades you for some of your wants, which will motivate your doing so.  Here's an example.  You could say, "baby I know that you like me to massage your shoulders and back.  As I'm on my feet all day at work a foot massage would be good motivation for me to give you that back rub you so desire.  We could even use our massages as a step of foreplay."  Not just communication but the way you converse with you mate could light embers that turn into a blazing fire.
     Third, is one that could easily become your favorite.  Role play.  Before you begin to role play though it is good to establish some ground rules.  Ladies some men and some women alike may experience insecurities from the idea of you entertaining the advances of another person even if it is planned and make believe.  Yes some of us are sensitive to such.  So establish ground rules in the beginning to insure that this doesn't happen.  For instance Jennifer let your husband know that when you role play your name is Lisa for the evening and with your new name change your personality. Try meeting at a bar as if you don't even know one another and let the sparks fly.
     Next up dress sexy for bed at times.  That same old T-shirt or night gown may not be as flattering as you may think.  Try getting ready for bed as if you were going out for a date.  Instead of wrapping your hair up for the night leave your hair down or in a comfortable style.  Lingerie, heels, lace, see through material is a sure way to raise the temperature of night time moments that might other-wise be could.
  Now ladies, last  but definitely not least.  Take a break from your same sexual routine.  The same positions can become mundane.  Not to say they are not pleasurable but consider this:  Do you always have sex with your mate at night?  During one of your date nights schedule a daytime rump.  Just that difference will certainly add to the prospective creativity of what could be in store.  If your man always initiates sex a sure way to adding some spice could be your motivation for taking your turn to initiate the loving.   As you do, get right into "character".  This would be a great time to role play.  Maybe you'll be a nurse or even a noisy neighbor.  Whatever you do, do it with confidence and style, and let your imagination run wild.  Once you cross those lines what is mundane will no longer be apart of your life.  For a flame will be ignited within the both of you that will not only add fun and spice.  These 5 steps certainly will bring satisfaction that will energize you for whatever life brings your way.  Until next time doll's be well and be safe and have fun adding Spice!

Stay beautiful!


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Sanitizing Your Combs & Brushes

Hello Ladies,

     Have you ever grabbed your hair brush and thought it looks like a birds nest?  No doubt your next thought would be," Did all that come from my head?" Next thought, it is time to clean the hair brush!  Some of us even just throw it away. So if you have a comb and brush that works awesome on your hair, you have to do what it takes to preserve it. It's very simple and easy to maintain a clean hair brush, and comb, here's how:

     You can remove the hair from your brush using your hands and a comb for access hair harder to reach.  After removing the hair from your brush try soaking it.  You can also clean a brush or comb by soaking it in a small container of hot water and a bit of shampoo.  Try a few splashes of white vinegar, this will remove oily deposits left by your hair. Rinse and then dry.

     You may ask: "How often should I clean my combs and brushes?"  Once a month is a good guideline to follow though it really would depend on what you put on your hair from day to day.  If you use a lot of oil based products in your hair then it will be in your best interest to clean you combs and brushes more frequently than those who use water based products more often.
     Remember after each use remove any hair from your comb or brush.  This is to make sure that once it's time to clean your brush it will be less difficult and more hygienic. Just imagine if you are using the brush or comb on a daily basis all the dirt and hair care products is redeposited on a daily basis. That can add up to big trouble, such as hair loss, bacteria, hair that smells as well as dirty.
     The more natural products you use the less likely you'll experience that gunky build up that's sometimes difficult to remove.  Comb and brush cleaning maybe one of your least favorite tasks.  If such is true of you then consider your product selection.  In the event that you do not have heavy greasy build up in your hair care tools, cleaning them about once a month is fine.  However, if your combs and brushes are often carrying a load of product residue, a more frequent cleaning program would be necessary.  This may mean cleaning once a week or even bi-weekly.  In some cases it's near to impossible to remove the buildup in a brushes bristles.  This most often is the result of infrequent cleaning along with the use of heavy greasy products.  In this regard it is best to discard the brush and purchase another.  Don't forget to clean the new one more frequently.
     The benefit of such diligence not only keeps your hair styled and snarl free but it keeps your hair cleaner longer.  It also ensures that brushing and combing isn't adding unwanted particles and fluff to your hair.  Until next time dolls be well.

"Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful"
-Marilyn Monroe



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The Dirty on Eyelash Extensions

Hey Dolls,

My love for  lash extensions has been an up and down roller coaster for awhile now. The relationship started out great , but after my most recent individual lash extension application,  I am  starting  to see signs of a break up coming real soon.  I have always had decent eyelashes, not too thin and a decent length.  I do not wear much makeup so the thought of adding some lashes to enhance my look was that was easy to make.  Pictured below is me with a set of strip lashes on and eyeliner. 

As much as I love the individual lashes, applying a new strip everyday before work became tedious. So I decided to look more into individual lashes.  I went and got my first pair professionally done and I loved it!  The individual lashes lasted me about 3 weeks before they started falling off, but I did notice a few of my real lashes would fall off with it.  The pros outweighed the cons so I continued to get my falsies redone every 3 to 4 weeks as needed.  Sometimes  to  save some money, I would do a fill-in myself on my lashes.  This went on for a few months until well , yesterday.  I decided to take off my lashes that have been on for 3 weeks only to find out the glue (which was a different Ardell Lashtite glue than my beautician usually uses) broke off many of my natural lashes.  The glue left my lashes so damaged, that most either broke off or completely pulled out of the follicle. And they are completely uneven  , and my eyelids are puffy (See Picture Below). 

So now I am in the damage control phase, for the next week I will be doing a Vaseline treatment on my lashes at night, applying Vaseline near my lash line in small circular motions to help stimulate the hair follicles, drinking tea and taking Vitamin E daily.   I will post my updated results in 2 weeks.... if there is not noticeable change, I will try Latisse (Nervous to go there, but hey beauty require extra work sometimes). 

Wish me luck dolls.... hopefully in 2 weeks I can give you a glimpse of my successful eyelash recovery.


Paper Doll  

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Staying Glam: While On The Go

Hey Loves, 

I don't know about you dolls, but I 
LOVE going on vacation! With my husband working for the airlines, I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel and see the world, but I often get concerned about my hair care (especially when going international).  So I have complied a list of 7 Hair Care Products for Staying Glam while on the go.  If you carry on and do not check a bag (like myself), you can find all of these suggested products in travel size bottles (From Walgreens/CVS/Walmart).

  1. Satin Headscarf 
    To preserve your hairstyle you must have your satin headscarf. The satin headscarf not only help keeps your hairstyle in place, but also keeps your hair (and pillow) clean longer.      
  2. Argon or Avocado Oil
    For edge and style control,  a little oil can go a long way.  
  3. Empty Water Spray Bottle No explanation needed. A little water and oil is perfect to re-moisturize natural hair (and even some wet and wavy weaves). 
  4. Elastic Headbands and Ponytail Holders These accessories are  perfect for quick styling fixes especially if you are at the beach or fresh out of the pool.
  5. Curl or Wrap Mousse Whether you have natural hair or wear weave, curl and wrap mousse can provide both the moisture and hold to help you achieve your desired style without the use of heavy product. 
  6. Wide Tooth Comb A wide tooth comb is perfect for detangling freshly washed or dry hair but won’t stress your hair out too much. 
  7. Large and Regular Size Bobby Pins Bobby pins help to create and secure various hair styles. They are perfect to use when you want to pin up your hair in a quick style.

While every woman's hair is different with the right tools and supplies taking care of your hair while traveling can be easy.  Whether you choose to wear your hair natural , braided or with weave, don't let your hair get in the way of your fun... besides a cute hat is always the perfect accessory


Paper Doll 

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Human Hair, Remy Hair, What's the Difference???

What's the Difference between 100% Human Hair and Remy Hair???

Remy Hair
The term “REMY” refers to the characteristics of the hair and the method used to manufacture the hair extensions.

REMY has qualities such as uni-lateral cuticle direction, which basically means the hair follicles all go in one single direction. Remy hair is collected in a method in which all hair strands stay aligned in the natural direction as it grew (i.e. holding the hair in a ponytail and cutting), top at top, and ends at ends, to maintain the natural texture pattern and cuticle direction. This eliminates tangling problems commonly found in non-Remy or low quality hair. Remy hair is only lightly processed. REMY Human Hair extensions should last up to 3 to 6 months with regular maintenance.
Because of the method of collection, this type of hair is in short supply and is therefore quite expensive.

So basically, if “100% Human Hair” is the Benz of the industry, then “Remy Hair” is the Phantom…And “Virgin Indian Remy” is the Bugatti. (look it up)

There are some hair suppliers that claim they sell unprocessed Remy hair. To some extent all hair must be processed to ensure that the cuticle is aligned in the same direction. Some companies claim to sell 100% Remy Hair, but are mixing anywhere between 10-40% Non-Remy hair into their packs. An expert in human hair can tell the difference between Remy and Non-Remy hair by touching it. It is said that Remy hair has a cool and silky feeling when you touch it. Non experts probably will not be able to tell the difference by looking at it. Trust me, after 2 to 3 weeks when that hair starts to matte up they will know it’s not Remy.

One indicator that you have Remy quality hair is the price. It is expensive! And it will last a long time if properly maintained.


This type of hair is usually collected from hair brushes and hair that has fallen on the floor. It is in greater supply and is therefore much cheaper than Remy Hair. The majority of human hair sold today is non-Remy hair. Because of the method of collection, the cuticle for each hair strand tends to be in all different directions. In order to compensate for this, the hair will go through a process sometimes referred to as an “acid bath”, to completely remove the entire cuticle. This can be equivalent to about ten relaxers in a row.

Human Hair
After the cuticle removal process, the hair is dipped in silicone to make it shine and to cover up any cuticles that were not removed in the acid bath. The silicone adds weight to the hair and ups the selling price as hair is sold by weight. At first glance the non-Remy hair will appear silky and shiny. After a few shampoos the silicone layer will start to wash off. The hair will slowly become duller, brittle and will tangle and matte very easily. This type of hair is not recommended for any long-term hair extensions (i.e. Sew-Ins) for the obvious reasons. Typically non-Remy hair is used in human hair wigs too.

Virgin Indian Hair (unprocessed Remy) is the Best and Highest quality hair on the market.
Virgin Indian Hair is hair that has not been chemically altered and its roots and tips are running in the same direction. Virgin hair usually refers to Indian, Asian, or European hair. This hair is sold in their original colors and textures. So you can have fun coloring it your favorite shade.
This hair is very expensive and in short supply. Because it is not processed it is hypoallergenic and free of all harmful chemical.

Virgin Remy Hair
Because this hair is collected from the heads of donors (ponytail method), wefted, washed and shipped directly to distributors, it tends to vary somewhat with each bundle. Since most of the Virgin Hair is sold at auctions, suppliers with a lot of capital to work with tend to walk away with the best quality hair. So if you are shopping online for Virgin Remy Hair, look for reputable company websites and do your research for negative feedback. I don’t want any of my readers getting burned.

I found this Blog on-line originally posted from the "Black Hair" blog, and I thought our readers would thoroughly enjoy it because we all indulge in this billion dollar industry in one way or another. I added some pictures to give you a visual perspective as well.  -Nikki

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