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Human Hair, Remy Hair, What's the Difference???

What's the Difference between 100% Human Hair and Remy Hair???

Remy Hair
The term “REMY” refers to the characteristics of the hair and the method used to manufacture the hair extensions.

REMY has qualities such as uni-lateral cuticle direction, which basically means the hair follicles all go in one single direction. Remy hair is collected in a method in which all hair strands stay aligned in the natural direction as it grew (i.e. holding the hair in a ponytail and cutting), top at top, and ends at ends, to maintain the natural texture pattern and cuticle direction. This eliminates tangling problems commonly found in non-Remy or low quality hair. Remy hair is only lightly processed. REMY Human Hair extensions should last up to 3 to 6 months with regular maintenance.
Because of the method of collection, this type of hair is in short supply and is therefore quite expensive.

So basically, if “100% Human Hair” is the Benz of the industry, then “Remy Hair” is the Phantom…And “Virgin Indian Remy” is the Bugatti. (look it up)

There are some hair suppliers that claim they sell unprocessed Remy hair. To some extent all hair must be processed to ensure that the cuticle is aligned in the same direction. Some companies claim to sell 100% Remy Hair, but are mixing anywhere between 10-40% Non-Remy hair into their packs. An expert in human hair can tell the difference between Remy and Non-Remy hair by touching it. It is said that Remy hair has a cool and silky feeling when you touch it. Non experts probably will not be able to tell the difference by looking at it. Trust me, after 2 to 3 weeks when that hair starts to matte up they will know it’s not Remy.

One indicator that you have Remy quality hair is the price. It is expensive! And it will last a long time if properly maintained.


This type of hair is usually collected from hair brushes and hair that has fallen on the floor. It is in greater supply and is therefore much cheaper than Remy Hair. The majority of human hair sold today is non-Remy hair. Because of the method of collection, the cuticle for each hair strand tends to be in all different directions. In order to compensate for this, the hair will go through a process sometimes referred to as an “acid bath”, to completely remove the entire cuticle. This can be equivalent to about ten relaxers in a row.

Human Hair
After the cuticle removal process, the hair is dipped in silicone to make it shine and to cover up any cuticles that were not removed in the acid bath. The silicone adds weight to the hair and ups the selling price as hair is sold by weight. At first glance the non-Remy hair will appear silky and shiny. After a few shampoos the silicone layer will start to wash off. The hair will slowly become duller, brittle and will tangle and matte very easily. This type of hair is not recommended for any long-term hair extensions (i.e. Sew-Ins) for the obvious reasons. Typically non-Remy hair is used in human hair wigs too.

Virgin Indian Hair (unprocessed Remy) is the Best and Highest quality hair on the market.
Virgin Indian Hair is hair that has not been chemically altered and its roots and tips are running in the same direction. Virgin hair usually refers to Indian, Asian, or European hair. This hair is sold in their original colors and textures. So you can have fun coloring it your favorite shade.
This hair is very expensive and in short supply. Because it is not processed it is hypoallergenic and free of all harmful chemical.

Virgin Remy Hair
Because this hair is collected from the heads of donors (ponytail method), wefted, washed and shipped directly to distributors, it tends to vary somewhat with each bundle. Since most of the Virgin Hair is sold at auctions, suppliers with a lot of capital to work with tend to walk away with the best quality hair. So if you are shopping online for Virgin Remy Hair, look for reputable company websites and do your research for negative feedback. I don’t want any of my readers getting burned.

I found this Blog on-line originally posted from the "Black Hair" blog, and I thought our readers would thoroughly enjoy it because we all indulge in this billion dollar industry in one way or another. I added some pictures to give you a visual perspective as well.  -Nikki

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