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Sanitizing Your Combs & Brushes

Hello Ladies,

     Have you ever grabbed your hair brush and thought it looks like a birds nest?  No doubt your next thought would be," Did all that come from my head?" Next thought, it is time to clean the hair brush!  Some of us even just throw it away. So if you have a comb and brush that works awesome on your hair, you have to do what it takes to preserve it. It's very simple and easy to maintain a clean hair brush, and comb, here's how:

     You can remove the hair from your brush using your hands and a comb for access hair harder to reach.  After removing the hair from your brush try soaking it.  You can also clean a brush or comb by soaking it in a small container of hot water and a bit of shampoo.  Try a few splashes of white vinegar, this will remove oily deposits left by your hair. Rinse and then dry.

     You may ask: "How often should I clean my combs and brushes?"  Once a month is a good guideline to follow though it really would depend on what you put on your hair from day to day.  If you use a lot of oil based products in your hair then it will be in your best interest to clean you combs and brushes more frequently than those who use water based products more often.
     Remember after each use remove any hair from your comb or brush.  This is to make sure that once it's time to clean your brush it will be less difficult and more hygienic. Just imagine if you are using the brush or comb on a daily basis all the dirt and hair care products is redeposited on a daily basis. That can add up to big trouble, such as hair loss, bacteria, hair that smells as well as dirty.
     The more natural products you use the less likely you'll experience that gunky build up that's sometimes difficult to remove.  Comb and brush cleaning maybe one of your least favorite tasks.  If such is true of you then consider your product selection.  In the event that you do not have heavy greasy build up in your hair care tools, cleaning them about once a month is fine.  However, if your combs and brushes are often carrying a load of product residue, a more frequent cleaning program would be necessary.  This may mean cleaning once a week or even bi-weekly.  In some cases it's near to impossible to remove the buildup in a brushes bristles.  This most often is the result of infrequent cleaning along with the use of heavy greasy products.  In this regard it is best to discard the brush and purchase another.  Don't forget to clean the new one more frequently.
     The benefit of such diligence not only keeps your hair styled and snarl free but it keeps your hair cleaner longer.  It also ensures that brushing and combing isn't adding unwanted particles and fluff to your hair.  Until next time dolls be well.

"Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful"
-Marilyn Monroe



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