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Braids are for comfort... But Who Says They're not Sexy?

Hey Dolls,

I've noticed that most of us feel a certain way about braids. I've overheard and I'm actually guilty of it myself, that braids are made for comfort, not sexiness! Braids are comfortable. When we are planning to go to a warm vacation spot the number one thing we think about is "What am I going to do with my hair?" The first light-bulb that goes off in your mind is braids. Why? Because we know that we won't have to deal with our natural hair or have to worry about styling and etc. The braids serve as a "coolant" to the scalp. We know that our natural hair won't get damaged due to excessive heat. The braids serve as a protection style for the hair.

While braids serve many purposes for us, they can also be worn many different ways! It's all about "creativity" and setting statements with your style! Here are a couple of styles suggestions to help get you started.

Box braids or individuals use a large hair tie to put the braids in a ponytail. Then take the loose braids and rap them around taking them in circular motion to create a beautiful big Nubian bun. With a little make-up,  accessories, and edge control for those "baby hairs" you'll be styling and profiling in no time.

 For zillions, since much hair is left unbraided, use a hair tie to put your braids in a ponytail. Split the braids into two sections. Take one section bend it back towards the right side and one section towards the left. Yale a small section from one of those sides and pull it back towards the middle to create an elegant fashionable bow bun. With some dangling ear rings and a little make-up you'll be good to go!

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