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Let's Get Our Natural Hair Healthy

Hey Dolls! 

With weave and hair extensions being the "it" thing nowadays, so many of us forget to take care of our REAL HAIR.  While it may not be convenient and can be time consuming, growing long and strong hair is achievable. Below are a few tips to help you grow stronger and longer NATURAL HAIR!

  • LET YOUR HAIR BREATHE!  A seed cannot grow into a flower if there is always something on top of it blocking it from the sun.  The same goes for your hair.  If you always have weave or braids in your hair, you are not allowing your scalp or your hair to breathe or soak in some Vitamin D from the sun.
  • EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE:  You get out of the body, what you put into it.  If you starve the body of proper nutrients and vitamins, it cannot function properly.  Hair and nail growth is included in that.
  • MASSAGE YOUR SCALP (OR HAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND DO IT): Just like exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, scalp massages do the same thing for your hair follicles.  Massages help to increase blood circulation to your brain and your scalp which promotes healthy hair growth.
So do yourself a favor and treat yourself to a nice scalp massage after a 30 minute workout... hey not only will you have great hair, but a great body too! 

Till Next Time Dolls


Paper Doll 

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