I wanted to discuss a very important issue in regards to hair extensions and their quality, as well as, pricing. Nowadays, everyone and I mean EVERYONE is selling what the industry has coined as "virgin" or raw/unprocessed hair extensions and quite frankly the quality is not that great. Hair often sheds or bunches/ tangles in the back and does not last as long as it should. I began to wonder how could I really find some quality hair that will not break the bank, so I began doing research into the different types of weave available on the market and came across an alarming discovery.... Around 80% of all weave/hair extensions on the market is from INDIA.
That is right most hair comes from India, which means for the most part that Peruvian or Malaysian texture hair you pay extra for is from India. This is because it is the cheapest place for manufacturers and distributors to get hair. Every year thousands upon thousands of Indian Women shave their heads bald in a religious ceremony leaving tons of hair ready to be sewn to a weft and sold to consumers. Distributors in other countries order the hair, package it and sell it. The recent trend is to label the hair based upon where it was packaged from , for example a lot of Brazilian hair is actually hair from India just packaged and sewn to weft in Brazil; therefore, they label it Brazilian charge a few dollars extra and no one knows the difference.
The Doll Hair Collection only offers authentic Indian texture hair from India! We do not offer Brazilian, Peruvian or Malaysian hair because neither the distributor nor the manufacturer can guarantee that is where it came from. So to bring you the best and highest quality raw hair, we offer only Indian weave at affordable prices. Our hair can be dyed, cut, bleached and curled/wanded.
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